Bajaj Institute Of Technology - Christopher Benninger

Bajaj Institute of Technology is a college which would impart quality Engineering education in the Wardha district of Maharashtra. Set up under the Shiksha Mandal (a hundred year old educational trust set up and managed by the Bajaj family) this college campus is designed as a temple for learning. The campus is designed by great architect Christopher Charles Benninger of CCBA Designs, Pune.

Encompassing the core disciplines of engineering, the campus is designed to set the standards not only for the quality of education, but also, for Architectural aesthetics and ambience. The campus is designed on the principles of sustainability and the same is echoed in the facets of design from the planning through to construction.

The campus is designed as a great place to live and learn; the environs of the campus makes people feel close to nature; it will feel like a community and function like a university; it will have gardens, courtyards and promenades where people meet and interact. It will engender intellectual friendship and encourage the search for truth. Like an ancient Greek gymnasium, it will kindle a desire to develop both the mind and the body. Being the best, it will call out the best of the people who study there and make them feel proud that at one time in their life they had this place as their abode.